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Writer's pictureWaikato Witches

Ostara - The Spring Equinox

It's been a funny start to spring this year. Blossoms and daffodils came early where I live, and rather than being blown or washed away by the usual spring weather they managed to hold on for a couple of weeks. It's a warm feeling driving down the main street and seeing lots of people stopping to take photos of the blooms.

Our daylight savings coincided with the equinox. I must be getting old or more astute perhaps, in that I have never noticed this alignment before.

Our little coven got together for a fertility ritual and spring feast. We used fertility quite liberally meaning that for us all it meant bringing either an idea, something physical, a course of action or a thought into realisation. We chose something that we wanted to grow or manifest in the next 12 months and asked our respective deities for guidance and to be with us to co-create this manifestation into our lives. It is important to note that asking is only a small portion of the ritual - it is now our individual responsibility to take every opportunity given to us to further bring the manifestation into being.

My manifestation involves being more active here than I have been over the past year. There are a few events on the horizon, and I will be adding more information and ways to join us soon.

Brightest Blessings

Photo: Michael Jeans

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