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Writer's pictureWaikato Witches

New Year (Re) Solutions

Say No to New Year's Resolutions

I am a vicarious learner - meaning that at any one time, I have several books on my nightstand, several downloaded and ready on Audible or Kindle, as well as interesting podcasts marked to listen to.

For this blog, I gleaned a great nugget from a podcast series by an NZ leadership coach, consultant and facilitator (called Elevate). While predominately the content is business-related and targeted at CEOs, Leaders etc., the podcast Reboot, Recharge and Refocus got me thinking about New Year Resolutions.

I have a love-hate relationship with New Year resolutions, I have never managed to maintain my commitment to the goals I made on the 1st of January - I think because my goals are too ambitious.

After listening to the podcast, I am reconsidering what resolutions mean. Instead of something NEW this YEAR - I am looking at (RE) solutions.


I speak to, and hear from, so many people on their spiritual journey who comment how they are envious of others who seem committed, organised and planned for each ritual, or ceremony and have plotted out their learning journey. They know the dates of Moon phases and Sabbats and have a well-stocked apothecary to whip up a spell at a moment's notice.

The truth? Most of us are not that organised, we will remember the Moon phase as we crawl into bed after an exhausting day of work or dealing with children, families or debilitating mental or physical health issues. We grab our copy of Scott Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magickal Herbs or Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews and flick to the pages at the back to see if anything in the kitchen cupboard is a suitable substitution. We try divination and cannot remember what the card or rune means - even though at some stage we were fluent. We don't have the right coloured candle, the right crystal, and nothing available to do a simple cleansing ceremony.

THEN. We get discouraged. We start telling ourselves we are not a great spiritual person. We fall off the spiritual path. Tell ourselves that it is a huge effort to get back on. We talk ourselves into failure.

YOUR spiritual path is not a race. It shouldn't be compared with anyone else - in particular seemingly successful "Social Media" witches who when stripped back to basics - are just content creators looking for likes, clicks and/or sales.

My RE-Solution this year is not to be too hard on myself. My self-care and spirituality will go hand-in-hand, I will use the knowledge and experience that I have to do what I can when I can.

For example:

  • If I realise at 11 PM that it is a Full Moon, I will take an extra 30 seconds to go outside stand on the grass and say, "I am thankful, I am Blessed, I am Grateful - thank you for all that you do." (Nothing fancy here)

  • When I have the space and mental capacity to do some spiritual education, I will do so not with the goal of becoming fluent in that topic. Instead, because I am curious.

  • I will not berate myself that I haven't created an opportunity to meet with my Coven Sisters, instead, I will ask them to spread the load so we can catch up.

One of the messages that any coach will give you is that you need to celebrate the small wins. I don't mean a full-out shopping spree, or three-tier cake - just a quiet "I did this, and it is good!" is sufficient.

What does RE-SOLUTION look like for YOU?

Please take some time to take one small step, it can be as simple as dusting your altar or sorting your crystals into colours. Then promise me you will celebrate that one small thing.

I sincerely hope that you will join me in spreading the RE-SOLUTION theory.

Brightest Blessings

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