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Casting a Circle - "Southern Styles"

There are many variations on how to cast a circle. If you belong to or follow a specific Witchcraft tradition, then you should follow the methods they suggest. However, for most of us "Eclectic Witches" or if you are trialling and exploring your path, then you can cast a circle with the basic elements.

Circle castings call on the four elements (air, earth, fire, and water), in the four compass directions. (north, east, west, and south). Many websites and books still follow the Northern Hemisphere correspondences usually assigned in the following way: East/Air/Sunrise, South/Fire/Midday, West/Water/Sunset, North/Earth/Midnight. The circle is cast in a sunwise (clockwise) direction, starting in the East then going through South, West and North.

In the southern hemisphere, the sun passes from east to west through the northern part of the sky, so it makes more sense to assign the element of Fire to the northern quarter instead of the south. The directional correspondences often used in the southern hemisphere are East/Air/Sunrise, North/Fire/Midday, West/Water/Sunset, South/Earth/Midnight. Again the circle is cast in a sunwise direction, starting at East then going through North, West and South, but it can be seen that in the southern hemisphere sunwise does not run in the same direction as clockwise.

From ancient times the Universe was believed to stretch outwardly toward the Four Directions and to be composed inwardly of the Four Elements. When we invoke each of the elements we symbolise our connection to all things which exist.

What are some of the energies associated with each cardinal direction?

Air in the East - represents thought, ideas, conceptions. The elemental being is the Sylph.

Fire in the North - represents noon, summer, physical manifestation. The elemental being is the Salamander.

Water in the West - represents twilight, fall, emotion and reaction. The elemental being is the Undine.

Earth in the South - represents midnight, winter, integration, wisdom and understanding. The elemental being is the Gnome.

Why you call the elements

These four points are set up to represent the outer barrier of your magical space, to protect it and help establish a special energy area in which magick can be built. If you use elements in calling each direction, you should also have a ritual that matches that element. The most common is to light candles whose colour corresponds to the element

Invocation to open

Each element is called and welcomed into the sacred space by the invocation, sometimes specifically by name, and other times by a general greeting. For example:

I call upon the spirits of the East: Guardians and beings of the airy realm. Please bless this circle with intellect and imagination. All hail and welcome.

I call upon the spirits of North: Guardians and beings of the fiery realm. Please bless this circle with passion and strength. All hail and welcome.

I call upon the spirits of the West: Guardians and beings of the watery realm. Please bless this circle with love and cleansing. All hail and welcome.

I call upon the spirits of the South: Guardians and beings of the Earthen realm. Please bless this circle with grounding and nurturing. All hail and welcome.

Now move to the centre of the circle to bind or seal it. Turn slowly anticlockwise to seal the circle pointing at the ground and say:

"As above, so below, the elemental power spin, and my magic holds".

You now are in a protected space to conduct your magick.

Some basic rules Generally, you should not cross the line of the circle except for emergencies. If for any reason you need to do this, you can cut an opening or doorway, and seal it again after you have returned.

Don't freak out if your familiar, or another animal enters your space - cats, in particular, are known to "walk between worlds" just ensure that any incense, oils or herbs that are toxic are kept out of their reach.

Closing the circle:

When you are done, you need to ritually take down the circle. This can be simple or elaborate. Breaking down the circle and farewelling the energies that have attended you is just as important as casting the circle. It is a way of tidying up any energy that you may not have sent out in your workings. Think of it as returning what you don't need to the Earth Mother. Closing a circle should be done with respect, love and gratitude.

Invocation to close

Move-in the opposite direction to casting your circle (Clockwise) and say:

Hail and farewell to the spirits of the East: Guardians of the airy realm. My love and gratitude take with you. Blessed Be.

Hail and farewell to the spirits of the North: Guardians of the fiery realm. My love and gratitude take with you. Blessed Be.

Hail and farewell to the spirits of the West: Guardians and beings of the watery realm. My love and gratitude take with you. Blessed Be.

Hail and farewell to the spirits of the South: Guardians and beings of the earthen realm. My love and gratitude take with you. Blessed Be.

Move to the centre of the circle and farewell (release) any remaining energy down through the earth to the Earth Mother. Saying

"Thank you to the energies that have attended me in this circle. Go in peace and love and know you are always welcome here. The circle is open but unbroken”.


Some of the words you might encounter when looking up circle casting include

Deosil = Sunwise the way the sun moves through the sky

Widdershins (sometimes withershins, widershins or widderschynnes) = take a course opposite the apparent motion of the sun

Watchtower/Quarter = another name for the cardinal points.

Photo credit: Wise Witches & Witchcraft

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